Terms and Conditions
Notification of personal data protection
General information
The European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (“the Regulation”) becomes applicable on 25 May 2018.
Its main purpose is to increase the level of protection of personal data and create a trustworthy climate that allows each person to control their own data.
Thus, we consider it a good time to inform you how we protect your personal data and how we qualify our Rules.
The next data protection notice is designed to inform you about the processing of your personal data and your rights. This processing is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and local legislation in force.
b) Operator
We, MASTER ESCAPE SRL, based in Iasi, Socola Blvd. 22, we represent the operator in accordance with GDPR and, therefore, we are responsible for processing the data described below. For questions or requests regarding data processing, please contact us at the contact details you can find below. Collecting this data is only with your consent.
Your refusal makes it impossible operator (ESCAPE MASTER SRL) to conclude the service / sale of products to send information or products ordered, the latter lacking one of the essential conditions or identity of the parties.
c) Personal data
MASTER ESCAPE SRL processes the following personal data:
First and last name, home address and e-mail address
Data from ID card, CNP, phone number;
The communications that you make with us or which you direct to us through letters, emails, SMS, chat services, calls and social networks.
Information on Processing
“Processing” means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on personal data sets with or without the use of automated means such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting, consulting, using, transmitting, disseminating or making available in any other way, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
b) Principles of processing personal data
MASTER ESCAPE SRL undertakes to comply with the principles of personal data protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Principles”) provided by GDPR to ensure that all data are:
Processed fairly, legally and transparently; Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;
Relevant, relevant and limited in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
Correct and up-to-date;
Stored in a form that does not allow the identification of the data subjects longer than necessary for the purposes of the processing;
Processed in accordance with the rights of the data subject, in a way that ensures adequate processing security so that the data is complete, confidential and available.
c) Purpose and basis of data processing
Registering users. We will process the personal data collected through the enrollment form at www.expertconnection.ro through which you create an account or subscribe to a newsletter for better and easier administration. This processing is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of GDPR.
Customer analysis and profiling.
We give you the prior consent to use your personal communications data to you: We use your data to manage our relationship with you as a customer and to improve your services and experience with us;
We can provide our information by email. This processing is legitimately based on Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1 (a) GDPR.
You can unsubscribe from this kind of information. You have the right not to consent or to oppose direct marketing or marketing activities, including the creation of a profile for such activities. Your personal data is to be deleted by a written request to office@expertconnection.ro.
Service Improvement and Development: Analyzing how you use our services helps us understand you better and shows you what we can improve. For example, we analyze your purchase history data to provide you with information or advice on how best to use our services. This processing is legitimately based on Article 6 1 lit. a) of GDPR.
Fulfillment of legal obligations. Personal data may be processed to fulfill legal obligations. We use your payment information for accounting, billing, and for detecting and / or preventing any fraudulent activity. This processing is done
legitimately rely on Article 6 para. 1 lit. c) from GDPR.
d) Data beneficiaries
No other transfers of personal data are made to other recipients, unless we have this obligation by law.
e) Mandatory / Voluntary Data Providing and Time of Preservation
The provision of the following data is required to be able to conclude the contract with you / record or to contact you for the purposes listed above:
Your first and last name, home address, phone number and e-mail address
The provision of the other data is optional and these data are not a legal or contractual requirement or a requirement required to conclude a contract. If you do not provide this personal data, this will not have any other consequences on you.
Only children at least 16 years of age can give their consent.
f) Data storage period
EXPERT CONNECTION SRL stores your personal data for as long as processing is required and until you ask us to delete it. We will respond to these requests, subject to the preservation of certain information, including later, in situations where applicable law or legitimate interests impose it.
When we no longer need your personal data, we will delete or destroy it safely. We will also consider whether and how we can minimize in time the amount of personal data we use and whether we can ensure the anonymity of your personal data so that it is no longer associated with you or identify you, use that information without notifying you later.
Your rights
MASTER ESCAPE SRL with headquarters in Iasi, Bd. Socola no. 22. E-Mail: office@expertconnection.ro
In order to obtain official interpretations regarding the exercise of rights deriving from personal data protection legislation or to express your dissatisfaction with the manner in which MASTER ESCAPE SRL provides for the processing of your personal data, you may contact the National Supervisory Authority for Data Processing with Personal Character to the following contact details: (i) by post or courier at the address in Bucharest, General Gheorghe Magheru Boulevard no. 28-30, sector 1, postal code 010336, (ii) by e-mail to: anspdcp@dataprotection.ro, (iii) by fax no. 0318.059.602 or (iv) at no. phone 0318.059.211.
According to GDPR. These rights are as follows:
The right to receive information on the processing of data and a copy of the processed data (right of access, Article 15 GDPR).
Right to ask for inaccurate data to be corrected or incomplete data to be filled in (access right, Art. 16 GDPR).
The right to request the deletion of personal data (the right to be “forgotten”) and, if personal data has been made public, the transmission of information on the removal request to other operators (right of deletion, Article 17 GDPR).
Right to request restriction of data processing (right to restrict processing, Article 18 GDPR) – You may request that processing be restricted if you suspect the accuracy of the data, as well as in other cases prescribed by law.
The right to receive personally identifiable information about the data subject in a commonly used and meccanisable structured format and to request the transmission of this data to another operator (data portability, Article 20 GDPR).
The right to oppose data processing with the intention of stopping processing – you can oppose, in particular, data processing based on our legitimate interest (right to objection, Article 21 GDPR).
The right to withdraw at any time a given consent to stop a data processing that is based on your consent. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing on the basis of consent granted prior to withdrawal (the right to withdraw consent, Article 7 GDPR).
The right to file a complaint with a supervisor if you believe that processing is a violation of the GDPR (right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, Article 77 GDPR).
Additional rights related to automated decisions: You can ask for and get the human intervention about that processing, you can express your own point of view and you can challenge the decision.
Securitatea prelucrării
MASTER ESCAPE SRL a adoptat măsuri tehnice și organizatorice de prelucrare a datelor, actualizate în conformitate cu cerințele GDPR, cu scopul de a proteja datele tale cu caracter personal împotriva oricăror acțiuni de acces neautorizat, utilizare necorespunzătoare sau transmitere, modificare neautorizată, distrugere sau pierdere accidentală. Toți angajații și colaboratorii noștri precum și orice terțe părți care acționează în numele și pe seama MASTER ESCAPE SRL sunt obligați să respecte confidențialitatea informațiilor dumneavoastră și cerințele GDPR, în conformitate cu prevederile prezentei Politici.
Ne asigurăm ca partenerilor nostri contractuali care au acces la datele cu caracter personal pe care le prelucrăm le impunem obligații contractuale în conformitate cu prevederile legale și că verificăm respectarea de către aceștia a obligațiilor pe care și le-au asumat. Aceștia vor prelucra datele personale în numele și pentru noi, numai în conformitate cu instructiunile primite de la aceasta și numai respectând cerințele de securitate și confidențialitate în limitele impuse.
Processing personal data in parenthood
Some of the personal data processed by us will be transferable to third parties and express your consent to do so and in situations where there is a legal obligation for MASTER ESCAPE SRL to do so.
Due to possible changes to the legislation, an amendment to these data protection notices may become necessary. In this case, we will inform you of such changes. To the extent that the changes affect a processing that is based on your consent, we will ask you for a new consent if necessary.
By ticking your acceptance box, you agree to your personal data processing for the purposes outlined above, meaning that we will also use your personal information to provide you with our information by email, SMS, letter, telephone or fax.